Prayer and Action for the Abolition of the Death Penalty

The papal intention for the month of September is: “That the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country.” To see a two-minute video of the Pope’s prayer message about this, go to The Catechism of the Catholic Church states clearly

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The 2022 World Day of Peace Message: Pope Francis Reads the Signs of the Times

The 2022 World Day of Peace Message: Pope Francis Reads the Signs of the Times - The theme--lasting peace in the world can be achieved only by responding to the needs of current and future generations--is expressed in Pope Francis’ 2022 World Day of Peace (WDP) message, “Dialogue Between Generations, Education and Work: Tools for Building Lasting Peace.” The pope is continuing his efforts to lay out a path to peace. Without specifically invoking nonviolence as the main structure, in Laudato Si and Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis puts out some of its fundamental principles --. commitment to promoting the dignity of each human person, solidarity with the poor and vulnerable, the pursuit of the common good and concern for protection of creation. In his 2021 WDP message he emphasizes the result of these principles, a “culture of care.” In the WDPmessage for 2022 he follows Saint John XXIII, reads the “signs of the times” and ..

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Using a Circle process to help with deep listening; “Paths of Renewed Encounter”

“In many parts of the world, there is a need for paths of peace to heal open wounds. There is also a need for peacemakers, men and women prepared to work boldly and creatively to initiate processes of healing and renewed encounter.” (Pope Francis, “Fratelli Tutti,” 225) The last couple of years have been filled with challenging, impactful events in our world. At all levels -- in our families, our neighborhoods, our countries -- we would benefit from practices that help us to listen more deeply to each other. An example of such a practice is a 'circle process,' which is derived from Indigenous teachings and other wisdom traditions and is rooted in an understanding of profound interconnectedness. In this process, ...

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What to Tell Them?

On Thursday, January 7th, I made an abrupt about face in my lesson plan to lend time for the juniors in the Social Justice course to talk about what took place at the Capitol the day before. Upon my request, a few early arrivals searched the internet for footage of that day’s events so that it could be posted in the chat or on our Google Classroom page for their classmates’ convenience. As students trickled in they were instructed that after viewing the video, there would be an opportunity for them to share comments, feelings, etc., as we discuss...

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MD County First to join Back From the Brink

Pax Christi was a leader in the effort to protect our community and world with the PEACE that non-proliferation of nuclear weapons could bring as an expression of LOVE for our children and grandchildren. Today, December 10, 2019, the Montgomery County MD Council passed a resolution to join the scores of cities who do not want nuclear weapons in their back yards or on their watch...Read about Candy Warner's personal experience with nuclear fallout in her backyard near Three Mile Island in 1979.

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