Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore (PCMDCB) is a regional chapter of Pax Christi USA, a national section of Pax Christi International, the international Catholic peace movement. PCMDCB promotes the Peace of Christ by exploring, living, and articulating the Christian vocation of nonviolent peacemaking. Through prayer, study, and action, PCMDCB serves as a Catholic peace witness in the Metro DC and Baltimore area, emphasizing Catholic Social Teaching.
We strive to educate ourselves, the Catholic faithful, and the wider civic community in the message of peace, the sacredness of human life, the dignity of the human person, and care for our common home. And we assist Pax Christi USA in influencing the national policy discourse, working in collaboration with other faith-based and secular groups.
To answer our individual calls to personal transformation, we work together to build communities of Gospel nonviolence and further the reign of God, advocating and bearing witness to peaceful alternatives to war and other forms of violence.