<h1>Advocacy with Members of Congress (MOCs) and Other Elected Officials</h1> <p><em>A lot of information and advice can be found online regarding effective advocacy with MOCs (Senators and Representatives), although not all of it is consistent. Here is some basic information, subject to refinement as we gain experience interacting with our elected officials. The same principles generally apply to advocating with our elected officials at the state and local levels.</em></p> <p>A number of strategies are available for attempting to influence one’s MOCs, including petitions, social media messaging (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)...</p>
Read MoreThe Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred. Our passion for peace is rooted in respect for life. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops summarizes the proud tradition of Catholic Social Teaching under seven themes. Life and Dignity of the Human Person is listed first, as the foundation of all succeeding principles and “the foundation of a moral vision for society.” Abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, and war are cited together as violations of our God-given dignity.
Read More<p><strong><img src="/storage/app/media/Checkpoint_near_Abu_Dis.jpg" style="width: 300px;" class="fr-fic fr-dib"></strong></p> <h3><strong>"A Response to Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth" -- May 2016 Statement of Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore (excerpt)</strong></h3> <p>While acknowledging the legitimate grievances of both Israelis and Palestinians and the responsibility of actors on both sides for violence against the other, we cannot ignore the gross imbalance of power in favor of Israel and the use of that power to sustain the occupation and annexation of Palestinian land, the presence and expansion of illegal settlements, and the wholesale blockade of Gaza. We affirm the right of Israelis to live in peace and security, but we are critical...</p></p>
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