Nuclear Weapons

This article reviews several notable developments relating to nuclear weapons, including the status of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons; the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Nihon Hidankyo (organization of Japanese atomic bomb survivors); “Living in the Light of Christ's Peace: A Conversation Toward Nuclear Disarmament,” a pastoral letter by Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe; and the "Back from the Brink" Campaign. Links to additional resources are provided.

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Statement on the Eve of the 2024 Elections

In the spirit of Pope Francis's call for fraternity and social friendship in Fratelli Tutti, his plea for the care of our earth in Laudato Si, and his understanding of our Gospel mission in Evangelii Gaudium, Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore recognizes the elections as a crucial moment for shaping a society grounded in peace, accountability, and the common good.

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Did Jesus Tell His Disciples to Arm Themselves?

Some Christians who support the right to bear arms cite Luke 22:36 as support for their views, saying that Jesus instructed his disciples to arm themselves. But Jesus is speaking figuratively here. His disciples misunderstand his statement and take it literally—the same mistake Christian supporters of gun rights make.

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Peacemaker of the Year Award

<p align="center"><strong>PCMDCB PEACEMAKER OF THE YEAR AWARD RECIPIENTS</strong></p> <p align="center"><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong><u>Note:</u></strong><strong> </strong>Though some of the following items have been updated, biographical information may only be accurate as of the date of the PCMDCB award.<strong> </strong></p> <p> <br></p> <p><strong>2008, Catholic Worker communities in Metro DC &amp; Baltimore</strong></p> <p>Our first Peacemaker of the Year Award Dinner was held at Our Lady Queen of Peace in Arlington, VA, in November 2008. Bishop Tom Gumbleton celebrated Mass, and former soldier, war resister, and peace activist Camilo Mejia was our keynote speaker. Honorees and special guests were the area’s Catholic Worker Communities: Dorothy Day Catholic Wor...</p></p>

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DDCW-Support needs

Dorothy Day Catholic Worker house is in need of maintenance on the plumbing system.

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