Did Jesus Use Violence against the Merchants in the Temple?

Christians who think the use of violence against others can be justified under some circumstances will occasionally cite the story of Jesus cleansing the temple in support of their position. If Jesus could use righteous violence when it suited his purposes, they argue, so may Christians and others when it suits theirs. But is that an accurate interpretation of the Gospel account?

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Church in Crisis

My purpose in preparing this letter and sending it to you is initially to express my anger and frustration at the continuing and ever-widening revelations of credible evidence of sexual abuse of children and seminarians by clergy in the Catholic Church as well as the failure of the hierarchy to address these deeds in a timely and transparent manner. Equally important is the damage that these revelations are causing to the reputation of the Church and its ability to carry out its sacred role of spreading the word of God, ministering to the needy and providing hope to a world struggling with discontent and pain.

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Christianity and Guns

Most of the debate about guns in this country focuses on public policy issues: the extent and limits of the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment, the wisdom and efficacy of various gun control and gun safety measures, how to deal with mental illness and crime, public funding for gun-related research, and so on. What is often missing is the religious dimension of the issue.

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Easter and Nonviolence

My experience of Eastertide 2018 was enhanced by the book, Resurrecting Easter: How the West Lost and the East Kept the Original Easter Vision, by John and Sarah Crossan.

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Nuclear Weapons

The time has come for new thinking on how to challenge complacency surrounding the belief in nuclear deterrence. Changed circumstances bring new responsibilities for decision-makers. The apparent benefits that nuclear deterrence once provided have been compromised, and proliferation results in grave new dangers. The time has come to embrace the abolition of nuclear weapons as an essential foundation of collective security. . . .

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