Peacemaker of the Year Award 2024-09-28 03:21:00
DDCW-Support needs 2023-09-18 23:27:18
DDCW-Who we are 2023-09-18 23:21:19
Interfaith in Action 2023-08-25 18:25:17
Learning to Become an Ally 2023-07-27 19:48:24

What to Tell Them?

On Thursday, January 7th, I made an abrupt about face in my lesson plan to lend time for the juniors in the Social Justice course to talk about what took place at the Capitol the day before. Upon my request, a few early arrivals searched the internet for footage of that day’s events so that it could be posted in the chat or on our Google Classroom page for their classmates’ convenience. As students trickled in they were instructed that after viewing the video, there would be an opportunity for them to share comments, feelings, etc., as we discuss...

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MD County First to join Back From the Brink

Pax Christi was a leader in the effort to protect our community and world with the PEACE that non-proliferation of nuclear weapons could bring as an expression of LOVE for our children and grandchildren. Today, December 10, 2019, the Montgomery County MD Council passed a resolution to join the scores of cities who do not want nuclear weapons in their back yards or on their watch...Read about Candy Warner's personal experience with nuclear fallout in her backyard near Three Mile Island in 1979.

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Standing on the Side of Love

Since I retired, most days I walk to morning Mass. And almost every time, just outside the chapel, I pass a car with a bumper sticker that says, “Vote Left and You’ll Lose Your Religious Freedom.”

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Did Jesus Use Violence against the Merchants in the Temple?

Christians who think the use of violence against others can be justified under some circumstances will occasionally cite the story of Jesus cleansing the temple in support of their position. If Jesus could use righteous violence when it suited his purposes, they argue, so may Christians and others when it suits theirs. But is that an accurate interpretation of the Gospel account?

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Church in Crisis

My purpose in preparing this letter and sending it to you is initially to express my anger and frustration at the continuing and ever-widening revelations of credible evidence of sexual abuse of children and seminarians by clergy in the Catholic Church as well as the failure of the hierarchy to address these deeds in a timely and transparent manner. Equally important is the damage that these revelations are causing to the reputation of the Church and its ability to carry out its sacred role of spreading the word of God, ministering to the needy and providing hope to a world struggling with discontent and pain.

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