Back Bishop Budde and Ask Bishops To, As Well

Dear Peacemaker, Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde spoke truth to power on Tuesday. Jan 21. In her closing remarks at the National Cathedral prayer service, she asked President Trump to show mercy on LGBTQ folk and on immigrants. PCMDCB believes we need to show her support and ask our dioceses’ Bishops to show her support, too.

Let me make one final plea, Mr President. Millions have put their trust in you. As you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families who fear for their lives. And the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings; who labor in our poultry farms and meat-packing plants; who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shift in hospitals – they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes, and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches, mosques and synagogues, gurdwara, and temples. Have mercy, Mr President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away. Help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were once strangers in this land. May God grant us all the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being, speak the truth in love, and walk humbly with one another and our God, for the good of all the people of this nation and the world.

(The full 15-minute sermon can be found here: Please consider sending Bishop Budde words of support and encouragement. President Trump attacked her in a social media post late on Tuesday night so she is likely getting other attacks as well. If you send something, make it clear on the outside that is in support. Her address is: The Rt. Revd. Mariann Edgar Budde Episcopal Church House Mount St. Alban Washington, DC, 20016-5094, USA

We think it important for the Catholic Bishops in our region to support Bishop Budde. Please consider contacting your bishop in Washington, Arlington, or Baltimore to urge him to stand with Bishop Budde. A recent Sojourner’s article (July ‘24, ‘Faith and the Authoritarian Playbook’) pointed out how important it is for religious leaders to stand against authoritarianism. Here’s the text of a sample letter: (in image form for social media:

Your Excellency: Episcopal Bishop Budde made a brave statement on Tuesday, Jan 21, at the National Cathedral. She asked President Trump to show mercy on LGBTQ folk and on immigrants. I hope that you can make a statement in support of Bishop Budde because: She simply asked President Trump to follow through on central Christian principles. The preferential option for the poor is a pillar of Catholic Social Teaching. What she said was in line with what Pope Francis said the prior Sunday about the mass deportation planned by President Trump. Religious Freedom needs to be defended. Bishop Budde was expressing fundamental Christian charity in her own place of worship. She was subsequently criticized by President Trump, GOP Representatives including the Speaker, and at least one GOP Senator, all direct attacks on First Amendment freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Defense of your flock is important. Many of the people in the pews are immigrants or children of immigrants. Many are now in fear. Some can’t even go to Mass without the fear of being challenged, or of friends or family being challenged. Please let them know you will defend them. Put the Federal Government on notice that they face opposition from the Diocese [or Archdiocese]. DC has a large LGBTQ community. We know that many of them are non-practicing Catholics because they have not felt that the Church cares. Here is an opportunity to show that the Church does care and will not let them be treated as second class citizens. Unfortunately, the US Church’s history is not good in this regard; it went along with slavery and segregation for far too long, e.g., the Washington Archdiocese parish schools were not fully desegregated until 1968. Here’s a chance to rectify this history.

Thank you for your attention and time. Hearing from many Church members and related organizations will inspire action, we hope and pray.

Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore is a region of Pax Christi USA, a national section of Pax Christi International. Rooted in the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching, we witness to Jesus’ teaching and example of nonviolence, rejecting war and affirming the sacredness of human life and the dignity of the human person.

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