Besides advocating for your position with elected officials, become an advocate with others, including family members, friends, and associates; corporations; and the Church.
Many of the advocacy tools used to communicate with elected officials (see links on the main Advocacy page) can work with corporations as well, particularly as part of a coordinated campaign involving many other advocates. These tools include well-focused petitions, social media messaging (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), letters, emails, and letters to the editor. Phone calls and visits to the corporation’s offices are less likely to be effective; and of course, corporations don’t hold town hall meetings. Corporations are sensitive to how they’re viewed by their customers and shareholders, so direct lobbying of a corporation may need to be backed up by advocacy directed at its public image.
Other tools available for influencing corporations include public awareness campaigns to change customers’ purchasing decisions; boycotts and divestment campaigns in appropriate cases; and bringing corporate behavior to the attention of regulatory agencies and lawmakers.
Return to the main Advocacy page for additional guidance on advocacy.